Ph. D. Defense

I am pleased to announce that my Ph. D. defense will take place on Tuesday, April 20, 2021 at 9:00 am at the University of Geneva.

Given the circumstances, it is unfortunately not possible to attend “in person”. However, you have the possibility to follow my defense in videoconference via the zoom application.

If you are interested, please write me an email and I will send you the zoom link.

Nouvelle Publication – La métaphysique du temps

L’ouvrage collectif La métaphysique du temps : perspectives contemporaines vient de paraître aux éditions du Collège de France, sous la direction du Prof. Claudine Tiercelin et d’Alexandre Declos.

Pour ma part, j’ai rédigé le chapitre “Les particuliers nus à la rescousse de la théorie du bloc en croissance”.

L’ouvrage est disponible en accès libre à cette adresse :

eidos – Fall Season 2021

The new eidos’ program is out.

eidos Fall calendar

Feb 25 David Kovac (Tel Aviv)

Mar 4 Alex Skiles (Rutgers) & Kelly Trogdon (Virginia Tech)
Mar 11 Tobias Wilsch (Tübingen)
Mar 18 Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra (Oxford)
Mar 25 Alberto Corti (Urbino & Geneva)

Apr 1 No session Easter Holiday
Apr 8 No session Easter Holiday
Apr 15 Paolo Natali (Geneva)
Apr 22 Chris Wuthrich (Geneva) & Vincent Lam (Bern)
Apr 29 Alison Fernandez (Dublin)

May 6 Amanda Bryant (Lisbon)
May 13 Jonas Werner (Bern)
May 20 Riccardo Baratella (Bolzano)
May 27 Katrin Koslicki (Neuchâtel)

Prix JCJC 2020

My paper “How is the Asymmetry between the Open Future and the Fixed Past to be characterized?” (Synthese, 2019) has been ranked among the top-5 articles submitted in the “Prix JCJC 2020” competition, organized by La Société de Philosophie des Sciences.

More info is available here

Colloque de recherche – Institut de Philosophie (UniNE)

Ce semestre, j’aurai le plaisir de proposer un exposé dans le cadre du colloque de recherche de l’Institut de Philosophie de l’Université de Neuchâtel. Mon intervention, intitulée “Un défi sceptique pour la théorie du bloc en croissance”, est programmée le mardi 5 mai à 16h15 en Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines.

eidos – Spring Season 2020

The new eidos’ program is out. My talk, entitled “Bare Particulars to the Rescue of GBT”, is scheduled on February 20.

eidos Spring Calendar

Feb 20 Vincent Grandjean
Feb 27 Maria Scarpati

March 5 Vera Hoffmann-Kolss (University of Bern) [Cancelled]
March 12 Givanni Merlo
March 19 Luca Zanetti (Institute fo Advanced Studies, Pavia)
March 26 Benjamin Neeser

Apr 2 Paolo Natali
Apr 9 Ralf Bader (University of Fribourg)
Apr 16 No session Easter
Apr 23 Karol Lenart (Jagellonian University)
Apr 30 Jonas Waechter

May 7 Damiano Costa & Alessandro Cecconi (University of Lugano)
May 14 Amanda Bryant (University of Lisbon)
May 21 No session Ascension Day
May 28 Bruno Jacinto (University of Lisbon)