[1] Return.Grant P5R5PH_222045
Swiss National Science Foundation | 13.12.2023
116 276 CHF | [grant]
In order to encourage the funded researchers to return to Switzerland and engage in research and to promote knowledge transfer between other countries and Switzerland, the SNSF may, within the scope of mobility fellowships for advanced postdocs, award additional grants as a means of financing a period of research immediately upon the grantee’s return from abroad.
[2] Subvention pour la publication
Commission des publications de la FLSH, Université de Neuchâtel | 23.10.2023
2 200 EUR | [grant]
Une commission permanente des publications est instituée à la Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines (FLSH) pour soutenir les publications des membres du corps professoral et des collaborateurs-trices de l’enseignement et de la recherche de la FLSH, ainsi que les thèses de doctorat soutenues à la FLSH.
[3] Book Processing Charges Grant 10BP12_213555 / 1
Swiss National Science Foundation | 29.06.2022
15 685 CHF | [grant]
The SNSF finances the publication of scientific books that are freely and electronically accessible without restrictions or delays (Gold Open Access). Peer-reviewed monographs and anthologies qualify for funding, whether they result from an SNSF-funded project or not. The costs for publishing services with regard to quality control, book production and distribution are covered by a book processing charge (BPC).
[4] Postdoc.Mobility Fellowship P500PH_206602 / 1
Swiss National Science Foundation | 14.12.2021
114 600 CHF | [grant]
Postdoc.Mobility fellowships are aimed at researchers who have done a doctorate and who wish to pursue a scientific or an academic career in Switzerland. A research stay abroad enables such researchers to acquire more in-depth knowledge, increases their scientific independence and enhances their research profile. The fellowships include a grant for subsistence costs, a flat-rate for travel expenses and a possible contribution to research and conference costs. In addition, fellowship holders can apply for a return grant to finance their initial period of research after returning to Switzerland. The return grant includes a salary and social security contributions.
[5] Bourse de la Société Académique de Genève (SACAD)
University of Geneva | 02.07.2020
10 000 CHF | [grant]
The purpose of SACAD’s scholarships is to encourage the next generation of Geneva academics, originating from the University itself. As a result, insofar as the regulations of the various funds allow, SACAD reserves its scholarships for candidates who have completed their studies in Geneva and who wish to complete their training abroad or possibly in another Swiss university. Exceptionally, scholarships may be granted to allow a doctoral candidate, who has completed all the elements of his or her thesis, to finish writing it. The duration of these scholarships is six months maximum.
[6] ENS-NYU Scholarship
École Normale Supérieure (ENS-Paris) | 01.04.2015
3 500 USD
An agreement has been made between the Philosophy Department of the Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris (ENS) and the Philosophy Department of New York University (NYU): each year the philosophy department at NYU hosts one philosophy student from ENS for the whole academic year, or two philosophy students from ENS for one semester each. The selection of students hosted by NYU is done by the philosophy department of the ENS in consultation with the NYU philosophy department. The selection depends on the students’ advancement in their chosen field of research, their ability to benefit from the NYU department’s curriculum (including their proficiency in English), and the capacity of the NYU department to find an appropriate advisor for them. The philosophy department at NYU will grant the ENS students a $ 7,000.00 fellowship for two semesters, or a $3,500.00 fellowship for one semester, as a complement to the salary they will continue to receive from ENS.
[7] Bourse François Verdier
University of Neuchatel | 01.04.2015
9 000 CHF | [grant]
The purpose of the “François Verdier” grant is to support the research of a student or doctoral student of the University of Neuchatel in the field of philosophy, art history, and/or museology in the realization of a project involving a stay abroad.
[8] ENS International Selection Scholarship
École Normale Supérieure (ENS-Paris) | 11.07.2014
1 000 EUR/month for two years | [grant]
The École Normale Supérieure (Paris) opens 10 places for scientific disciplines and 10 for literary disciplines. The winners of the competitive entrance examination are Normaliens students. They receive a monthly scholarship of 1’000 euros for two years and have a room on one of the ENS campuses. At the end of their studies, they obtain a diploma from the École Normale Supérieure as well as a master’s degree in their field of specialization.
[9] Prix Nexans 2022
Conseil de fondation du Fonds culturel de Nexans | 09.12.2022
5 000 CHF | [award]
Le “Prix Nexans”, institué par le Fonds culturel de Nexans Suisse SA, est destiné en premier lieu à encourager, dans le domaine des sciences, la carrière des personnes particulièrement douées ou talentueuses. Il peut aussi couronner l’oeuvre d’une personne dont les qualités auraient été méconnues. Le “Prix Nexans” est en principe décerné à une seule personne. Il peut exceptionnellement être partagé par deux bénéficiaires ou attribué à une équipe de chercheurs.
[10] Top-5 at “Prix Jeunes Chercheurs et Jeunes Chercheuses”
Société de Philosophie des Sciences (SPS) | 02.11.2020
The JCJC Prize rewards a doctoral student or a young doctor (thesis defended within the last 7 years) for a contribution in the field of the philosophy of science. Candidates may submit an article of their choice, in French or in English, published for a maximum of three years or not published. Candidates who have already submitted a contribution in previous editions may, if they are still eligible, re-submit an article, different or not from the one they have previously submitted. The evaluation of each article is carried out in double-blind by experts in the subject. In light of these evaluations, a jury composed of members of the SPS Board of Directors will rank the submissions and award the Prize.
[11] Prix Werner Günter
University of Neuchatel | 04.12.2015
2 500 CHF | [award]
Thanks to the generosity of the late W. Günter, professor at the University from 1945 to 1968, a W. Günter Fund was created for the Faculty of Humanities to reward particularly deserving students and to contribute to the development of the Faculty’s library.
[12] Prix d’Excellence de la Société des Alumni de l’UniNE
University of Neuchatel | 27.11.2013
1 000 CHF | [award]
The Alumni Society of the University of Neuchatel (SAN) has instituted an annual prize of 1’000 CHF to encourage the practice of research and scientific writing.